Legendario Domingo Guerrero Cupreata

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Brand Legendario Domingo Mezcal
State Guerrero
City Apango
Agave Cupreata
ABV ~50%
Type Joven
Legendario Domingo Guerrero Cupreata

Legendario Domingo Mezcal, a brand that turns ordinary Sundays into legendary ones, is crafted by the Colón family in Nombre de Dios, Durango. The brand uses Maguey cenizo (Agave duranguensis), which is cooked in an underground oven, milled with an electric shredder, fermented in wooden tanks, and distilled in an alembic still with a conical stainless steel cap. The brand's philosophy is deeply rooted in celebrating traditions, festivities, and the joy of each region, which is reflected in their mezcal. The result is a unique mezcal that blends reality with fantasy, making every sip a celebration of the region's rich heritage.

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