La Tierra de Acre Mezcal, originally known as Acre Mezcal, emerged in 2017 as a bootleg operation nestled in the lush sanctuary of Acre Baja resort in San Jose del Cabo. The brand, intimately tied to the resort, blossomed amidst elegant treehouses and organic farms. In 2021, a rebranding occurred, elevating Acre Mezcal to La Tierra de Acre Mezcal, post a successful funding round. Their mezcal, a product of Oaxaca and Durango, is crafted by mezcaleros who’ve honed their skills over generations. Three core ingredients define their mezcal: agave, reflecting the richness of its environment; natural spring water from mountain streams; and an indispensable element, love. Each batch mirrors the mezcalero’s heritage, a testament to the brand’s commitment to authenticity and quality.