Del Maguey Chichicapa

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Brand Del Maguey Mezcal
State Oaxaca
City San Baltazar Chichicapam
Agave Angustifolia
Maguey Espadin
Distillation Copper
ABV ~46%
Type Joven


1 Review
January 5, 2024

It’s got this cool unique taste!

56 Reviews
December 11, 2023
Really smooth drinker

Picked up this bottle for just under $90 in a BevMo in California. This was my first time trying this espadin, so I kind of went out on a limb with it – especially given how espadin taste/quality can have such a wide range. This espadin turned out to be on the mild side with a less pungent initial impression than most, followed by a slightly oily/viscous texture and earthy notes.

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