Brand Yuu Baal Mezcal
State Oaxaca
City San Juan del Rio
Agave Angustifolia
Maguey Espadin
ABV ~48%
Type Pechuga

Yuu Baal is a renowned mezcal brand rooted in Oaxaca, Mexico. Established in 2012, it's a collective of producers from San Juan del Río, San Luis del Río, and Miahuatlán. Emphasizing traditional production methods, Yuu Baal uses wild and cultivated agaves, ensuring the spirit's authenticity. The brand stands out for its commitment to sustainability, with initiatives aimed at agave reforestation and community upliftment. Its founders, with deep ties to Oaxacan culture, prioritize preserving ancestral mezcal-making techniques. Yuu Baal not only offers a genuine taste of Oaxaca but also embodies a blend of modern responsibility and age-old traditions.

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