Los Magos Sotol Blanco

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Brand Los Magos Sotol
State Chihuahua
City Janos
Agave Dasylirion Leiophyllum
ABV 38%

Los Magos Sotol, a brand that's all about embracing the spirit of the desert. Founded by three friends, their journey began in 2017, inspired by the wild landscapes of Chihuahua, Mexico. These pals are on a mission: to craft a drink that captures the essence of the desert and its traditions. They're not just about making sotol; they're about preserving the environment and supporting local communities. Their artisanal approach ensures each bottle is a reflection of the land, using 100% wild Dasylirion plants. Sustainability? Big check. They're reforesting with every harvest and using solar energy in their distillery. Los Magos is more than a drink; it's a tribute to the magic of the desert. Cheers to that! .

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